Samsung finally launched its flagship device Samsung Galaxy Note 9. The smartphone comes with Infinity Edge display, in which the company's flagship AGGINOS 9810 processor has been used. With this, a 4000mAh battery has been given in Note 9 Fables, while there is a better S Pen. This time S Pen comes with Bluetooth support which will also control the camera. If you talk about the price, then Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is competing with the iPhone X. So, by comparing both the phones, we tell you which is the best smartphone in both of them.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 VS Apple iPhone X | Full Comparison & Which is best for You? |
The display
There is not much difference in the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and Note 8. The Galaxy Note 9 features a 6.4-inch infinity display that comes with 1440x2960 pixel resolution. Corning Gorilla Glass 5 has been used in the display. Apple iPhones X has a Super Retina Edge to Edge 5.8 inch display, which has a pixel resolution of 2436 x 1125. The display comes with scratch systems and oleophobic coating.
Operating System
Samsung Galaxy Note 9 works on Android Oreo 8.0, while the new operating system will now work on Android which is the latest iOS 12 in the iPhone X.
In the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, there is a processor, which is in the Galaxy S9 i.e.2.7GHz 64 bit octa-core agginos 9810. The company's A11 bionic chipset has been used in Apple iPhone.
The camera
If you talk about the camera, Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has a dual-camera setup, while the back has a 12-megapixel wide angle sensor and a 12-megapixel telephoto sensor. The front has a camera of 8 megapixels. If you talk about Apple iPhone X, then the phone has a 12-megapixel dual rear camera, while there is also a wide-angle camera and telephoto camera. The phone has a 7-megapixel front-facing shooter camera.
Galaxy Note 9 has a 4000mAh battery that comes with wireless fast charging support, while the iPhone has 2,716mAh battery which comes with wireless charging support.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9- 65,000 to Rs 70,000, while Apple iPhones X has a starting price of Rs 87,849.
note 9 vs iphone x plus
galaxy note 9 vs iphone x plus
samsung note 9 vs iphone x plus
samsung note 8 vs iphone x
iphone x vs note 8
note 9 vs iphone x camera
iphone x vs note 9
iphone x vs galaxy note 8